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Não consegue encontrar uma oferta Divella? Confira as outras ofertas e aproveite os maiores descontos ou pesquise novamente.
Limiano - queijo amanteigado de vaca com case
Silvercrest - maquina de cozer arroz 400 w
A+ - fritadeira de ar
Xiaomi - repetidor wi-fi
Parkside parafusos
Salamandra elétrica
Aspirador solidos e 1
Barral - creme hidratante
Super bock - cerveja c/alcool abadaia
Parkside - chave de parafusos
A+ - grelhador para microondas
Os melhores hidratos de carbono para si, com a Divella.
Pode aproveitar as promoções Divella em produtos como Pasta Divella, Massa Divella, Farinha Divella, Biscoitos Divella nos nossos folhetos. Ofertas Divella com os maiores descontos nos catálogos disponíveis. Production first started in an artisan pasta factory between 1910 and 1920 since pasta and other basic food products were homemade. Hence, in the 1920s, Francesco Divella and the second generation who were inheriting the management of the company built a durum wheat mill in nearby Noicattaro. The dark years of the war ensued which imposed the rationing of flour and pasta. Despite the difficult period, the Rutigliano pasta factory began to register the first increases in production. In January 1989, Divella inaugurated its new production plant. A crucial period for the growth of the company. The new plant was further expanded with new production lines. And the evolution continues to this day with the fourth generation. The daily commitment of 320 workers allowed Divella to achieve a leading role on the local and global markets. The figures speak for themselves. The mills grind 1200 tons of durum wheat and 400 tons of soft wheat every day. The pasta factory produces about 1000 tons of dry pasta per day, 35 tons of fresh pasta, for over 150 pasta shapes to satisfy the most demanding tastes. Divella has been producing durum wheat semolina pasta since 1890. Since then the family-owned business has grown into a solid company that exports its carefully made products to more than 100 countries in the world. Marcas como a Divella são algumas nos nossos folhetos de ofertas e promoções Divella.